Tsubaki: The choice for chain TM
Paddles & Attachments
Paddles and attachments are an art all their own and are as essential to your production as chain. Goodness of fit and precise interface between chain and attachments offers the biofuel industry an opportunity for unmatched power transmission solutions.
U.S. Tsubaki has designed attachments that feature fluid interactions with our chain for peerless operations and longer service life.
We stock perfect-fit: UHMW paddles with hardware
Angle iron attachments in carbon and stainless Flat bar attachments in carbon and stainless
We can also customize your attachments to suit your requirements.
UHMW paddles are available in different color combinations to highlight chain connections. UHMW is cut to match all chain requirements at time of order and are utilized to minimize friction.
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Tsubaki: The choice for chain ™
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