General Catalog


General Engineering Information

Method of chain travel and type of rollers Method of Chain Travel Type of Roller Features

Chain Rolling (Horizontal or Vertical)

• Smooth operation • Less vibration • Lower friction and less power required • Generally used for: conveyor lengths over 35 ft. conveyor speeds over 70 ft./min.

Oversize “R” roller type • Heavy in chain weight • Greater allowable roller load • Less roller wear

Chain Rolling

• Generally used for: conveyor lengths less than 35 ft. conveyor speeds less than 70 ft./min.

Standard “S” roller type • Light weight • Lower allowable roller load

Chain Sliding (Double Pitch chain)

• Suitable for impact and dirty conditions • Economical • Impact resistant • Greater power required

Points to consider: 1) For long conveyors, use take-up devices to eliminate chain slack. Take-up stroke = (center distance between sprockets • 0.02) + catenary sag allowance. 2) Chain must always be engaged with at least 3 sprocket teeth. 3) When two or more strands of conveyor chain operate, all sprocket teeth on the head shaft should be aligned. The chain may be matched at the factory for uniform length and attach- ment alignment for accurate multiple strand operation. Considerations for Use in Special Environments ANSI standard and double pitch conveyor chain can be operated normally in ambient temperatures between 15°F and 140°F without trouble.

When the chain is operated in very low or high temperatures, or in an abrasive or corrosive atmosphere, the following should be taken into account. 1. Under very low or high temperatures: Chain must be selected in a different manner when it is operated in freezing chambers, cold areas, when it passes through a heat-treatment furnace, or is affected by heat from the material conveyed.

U.S. Tsubaki Hi-Tech and Specialty Attachment chains. In addition to the attachment chains shown in this general catalog, we offer a large variety of Specialty Attachment chains. Refer to our U.S. Tsubaki Attachment Chain Catalog No. LI0666 for additional selections.


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