General Catalog

SK-W Type

SK-W type ATC chain is a wider version of the SK type and is designed for heavier and longer tools. The added width provides increased stability.


Chain Weight lbs./pot

Chain Shank

P P 1

P 2

O C 1

X s

L 1

L 2

C W R T R s

L s




4.50 3.00 1.50 5.25 3.50 1.75

2.689 3.150

4.539 2.661 2.551 3.035 5.236 2.697 2.598 2.898

0.875 0.189 – – 3.50

SK1W 50




1.00 0.189 – – 5.70 40 3.00 2.00 1.00 2.165 2.087 3.248 3.622 1.807 1.744 2.074 0.625 0.625 0.126 – – 1.50 4.50 3.00 1.50 2.689 4.539 2.661 2.551 3.035 1.00 0.875 0.189 – – 3.70 SK2W 50 5.00 2.50 2.50 3.071 3.150 4.823 5.366 7.606 2.555 3.283 0.750 0.750 0.189 – – 2.60 5.25 3.50 1.75 3.150 5.236 2.697 2.598 2.898 1.00 1.00 0.220 – – 5.70 4.50 3.00 1.50 3.150 5.217 3.035 0.875 0.189 4.00 SK3W 50 3.071 4.823 3.185 3.185 1.00 0.875 0.496 5.25 3.50 1.75 3.150 5.236 2.898 1.00 0.220 5.90 40 3.00 2.00 1.00 2.165 2.087 3.284 3.622 2.276 2.276 2.094 0.625 0.625 0.126 0.75 0.370 1.80 4.50 3.00 1.50 5.217 3.035 1.00 0.875 0.189 4.20 SK4W 50 5.00 2.50 2.50 3.071 3.150 4.823 5.366 3.185 3.185 3.283 0.750 0.750 0.189 0.875 0.496 3.10 5.75 3.50 1.75 5.236 2.890 1.00 1.00 0.220 5.90

Note: Refer to page B-89 for the key and number plate dimensions.

Shanks No. 45 and 60 are available upon request. Consult U.S. Tsubaki.


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