Table IV: RS Roller Chain Selection Table
How to use this table: 1. Example ... Design horsepower — 7 hp a) Assume that the RPM of the small sprocket is 100.
Judging from the intersection point of the design horsepower’s value of 7 hp and the RPM value of 100, RS80 and a sprocket with either 17 teeth or 18 teeth can be selected. Sprockets with 17 teeth are more economical than those with 18 teeth. b) Assume that the RPM of the small sprocket is 300. An RS60, 15-tooth sprocket is appropriate from the intersection point in the same manner as above. The line for RS50-24 teeth can also be seen near the intersection of 7 hp and 300 rpm. Therefore, either RS60-15 teeth or RS50-24 teeth can be selected. This table is used to make a tentative selection. The Horsepower Rating Tables should be used to determine the most appropriate chain and sprocket. 2. Horsepower lines of 20, 24 and 30-tooth sprockets are shown only in the high speed range on the right hand side of the above chart. When checking the horsepower line of these sprockets, make a line parallel to the other lines on the left hand side of the dotted line for RS50-24 teeth. 3. When using a chain in the white part on the right side of the table, please consult with U.S. Tsubaki. 4. When the chain speed is less than 160 ft./min., it is more economical to select your RS roller chain by the selection method for slow speed drives (see page A-23).
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