EL Metric Series POWER-LOCK ® EL is a frictional keyless shaft-hub locking device for connecting hubs and shafts subject to large torque variations. The EL series POWER-LOCK is a simple structure con- sisting of two tapered rings.
Outer ring Inner ring
■ CONNECTING PRINCIPLE When locking force F is applied to POWER-LOCK EL, it pushes the inner ring and outer ring together, generating radial direction pressures (P, P ’ ) on the shaft and to the hub bore. These pressures (P, P ’ ) create the frictional connection. When the locking bolt is untightened, POWER-LOCK EL can be easily disassembled and removed.
1. COMPACT POWER-LOCK EL is very compact and lightweight, and does not require a wide fitting space. 2. DESIGN VERSATILITY Proven performance and reliability in hundreds of applications worldwide. 3. EASY ANGULAR AND AXIAL POSITIONING Extremely easy to position, and can be used at any place on the shaft. 4. COMPLETELY TIGHT FIT WITH NO BACKLASH POWER-LOCK EL provides a completely tight fit, so there is no backlash and no seizure. 5. BALANCES Being a complete ring with no slit, POWER-LOCK EL provides a well-balanced fitting. 6. EASY ASSEMBLY AND DISASSEMBLY POWER-LOCK EL has no moving parts, and wear is negligible. Frequent disassembly and reassembly is possible.
PL 015x019 E
EL Series Outside Dia. (mm)
Shaft Size (mm)
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