Variable Speed Operation
DISCO comes standard with knob speed control. It is also possible to control the speed via remote speed control systems. These systems include both mechanical and electrical options.
Standard Knob Control Operation
Relationship between the knob scale position and rotation ratio
K Series DK002 to DK075
Knob torque and knob rotation The torque necessary for rotating the speed adjustment knob and the number of rotations necessary to cover the entire range aregiven below.
Knob torque in./lbs. 1.7 ~ 3.5 6.9 ~ 10.4 8.7 ~ 13.0 15.6 ~ 20.8 26.0 ~ 36.5 34.7 ~ 52.0 43.4 ~ 60.8 56.4 ~ 78.1
Series number
No. of knob rotations
DK002 DK004 DK007 DK015 DK022 DK037 DK055 DK075
18.5 16.5
20 23
20.5 20.5
25 25
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