General Catalog


Selecting a Drive

For long, trouble free DISCO operation, make sure to check every item carefully.

 Calculation of required torque (T) Determine the application torque requirement at the output shaft of the DISCO. If the horsepower requirement at the output shaft is known, the torque can be calculated using the following formula. Check the torque requirement at both the highest and lowest rpm of your application.

T= 63,025 • P N Where:

T = Transmission Torque (in./lbs.) P = Transmission Power (hp) N = Maximum use speed for constant torque transmission (rpm)

 Determine the service factor (Sf) of the application The type and frequency of load applied to the output shaft of DISCO combine to provide a required service factor (Sf). Determine the service factor (Sf) from the following table.

Service Factor (Sf) Selection

Daily Operating Time

Load Properties

Up to 8 hours

8 to 16 hours

16 to 24 hours

Uniform load Continuous operation No reversals Low inertia Light impact Intermittent operation Reversals 1 Medium inertia







Heavy impact 2 Frequent starts




Reversals 1 High inertia

1 If application requires instant reversals, contact U.S. Tsubaki, PTUC Division. 2 A mechanical protection device that slips at rated torque may be required.

 Calculate Design Torque (T d ) Multiply the required torque (T) by the required service factor (Sf) to obtain the design torque (T d ). T d = T • Sf  Preliminary Selection of DISCO Refer to the “Table of Standard Characteristics,” pages D-55~D-56. The selected DISCO should: 1. Be appropriate for the required speed range 2. Have a torque capacity equal to or greater than the design torque (T d ). DISCO Shaft Torque ≥ T d


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