Installing cables into the cable carrier When cutting cables prior to installa- tion into the cable carrier, ring-coiled cables must be unspooled tangentially and not be pulled in loops off the top. Do not cut ring-coiled cables
When cutting cables prior to installa- tion into the cable carrier, drum-coiled cables must be unreeled, twist- and torsion-free. Uncoil cables from reels torsion-free
When inserting the cables into the cable carrier, the cable weight is to be symmetrically distributed within the cavity width to assure maximum cycle life of the cable carrier and reduce the likelihood of cable carrier twist or tilt during operation. Weight distribution inside the carrier cavity
Right weight distribution
False weight distribution
A change in the length of the cables after installation can be balanced out in the carrier loop. Thus, the cables must move freely inside the cable carrier at sufficient length and torsion-free. Cable length
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