Cable & Hose Carriers Product Portfolio



Cable Carrier Systems TRAXLINE ® Cables for motion TOTALTRAX ® Complete Systems


Solid nylon cable carriers with standard chain widths STANDARD APPLICATIONS

Sub-division simple

Additional load up to 15 kg/m

Technical features: „ „ Economically priced solutions for standard applications „ „ Series and types with fixed or openable brackets „ „ Various types and designs directly available from stock „ „ Simple cable installation „ „ Simple cable installation by just pressing the cables into the carrier „ „ Ideal for short travel lengths and high travel speeds

Inner height 4.6 – 45 mm

Travel speed up to 25 m/s Travel length unsupported up to 7 m

Inner widths 6 – 250 mm

Pitch 10 – 66.5 mm

Acceleration up to 200 m/s 2










Example of inner distribution







Our basic program includes different product types with simple design and predefined chain widths. All product types combine robustness and reliability with an excellent price-performance ratio. Cables can be quickly and easily installed into these carriers. Covered and fully enclosed product types guarantee optimum protection of cables and hoses against chips and other coarse dirt.

1   End connector with integrated strain relief 2  Replaceable glide shoes for longer life

9  Fast and easy cable installation by simply pressing in the cables 10  Swiveling brackets for quick cable installation available 11  Optional lids available in nylon that can be opened from inside or outside radius 12  Integrated noise dampening 13  Completely detachable brackets/covers available 14  Universal mounting bracket (UMB) with integrated strain relief

3  Robust, double stroke system for longer self-supporting lengths

4 Non-opening links available 5  Chain links made of nylon 6  Vertical and horizontal separation for the cables 7  Outer noise dampening elements 8  Smooth internal edges to insure maximum cable life



MONO series Cable carrier with simple design for standard applications

Inner widths 6 – 40 mm

Pitch 13 – 20 mm

Inner heights 10 – 15 mm

Additional load up to 1.3 kg/m

Acceleration up to 50 m/s 2

Travel speed up to 10 m/s

Travel length unsupported up to 2 m

Travel length gliding up to 70 m

Technical features: „ „ Cost-effective cable carrier „ „ Simple and quick assembly „ „ Almost all types available immediately from stock all around the world „ „ Long service life „ „ High torsional rigidity „ „ Easy to install „ „ Long self-supporting length for its size class

QuickTrax series Compact and cost-effective cable carrier in two-component “2K” technology

Inner height 20 mm

Additional load up to 3 kg/m

Inner widths 15 – 50 mm

Pitch 32 mm

Acceleration up to 50 m/s 2

Travel length unsupported up to 3 m

Travel length gliding up to 80 m

Travel speed up to 10 m/s

Technical features: „ „ Extremely fast and easy cable installation thanks to film hinge crossbars „ „ Extremely low noise due to integrated noise damping „ „ Long self-supporting length „ „ Sturdy two-component design provides solid cable carrier body with film hinge lid

„ „ Sturdy chain design „ „ High torsional rigidity


UNIFLEX Advanced series Designed with integrated noise dampening for use in a wide range of applications

Inner widths 15 – 250 mm

Pitch 32 – 66.5 mm

Inner heights 20 – 44 mm

Additional load bis 15 kg/m

Acceleration up to 50 m/s 2

Travel speed up to 10 m/s

Travel length unsupported up to 7 m

Travel length gliding up to 150 m

Technical features: „ „ Universal connection options „ „ Many possibilities for internal subdivision „ „ Long self-supporting length

„ „ High torsional rigidity „ „ Low noise emissions

„ „ Simple and fast cable installation „ „ Numerous custom material types for custom applications available

TKP35 series Robust cable track for a multitude of applications

Inner widths 16 – 50 mm

Pitch 35 mm

Inner height 32 mm

Additional load up to 2 kg/m

Acceleration up to 20 m/s 2

Travel speed up to 5 m/s

Travel length unsupported up to 2.4 m

Technical features: „ „ Robust design with rigid stroke system „ „ Long self-supporting length „ „ Low noise operation due to internal damping system „ „ Weight-optimized cable carrier geometry

„ „ Adjustable inner dividers „ „ Quick and easy to open „ „ Optional strain relief can be completely integrated into the connecting element



EasyTrax series Extremely fast cable installation thanks to flexible crossbars

Inner widths 7 – 78 mm

Pitch 11.5 – 45.5 mm

Inner heights 4.6 – 31 mm

Additional load up to 6 kg/m

Acceleration up to 50 m/s 2

Travel speed up to 10 m/s

Travel length unsupported up to 4.8 m

Travel length gliding up to 80 m

Technical features: „ „ Simple and fast cable installation thanks to flexible lid design „ „ Extremely low noise due to integrated noise damping „ „ Very high fill level due to the crossbar pivoting to the side „ „ Sturdy two-component design provides solid cable carrier body with flexible film hinge lid

„ „ High torsional rigidity „ „ Sturdy chain design „ „ Extensive unsupported length

PROTUM series Small, light cable carrier for unsupported applications

Inner widths 15 – 50 mm

Pitch 16 – 30 mm

Inner heights 10 – 25 mm

Additional load up to 0.8 kg/m

Acceleration up to 200 m/s 2

Travel speed up to 25 m/s

Travel length unsupported up to 1.8 m

Technical features: „ „ Quiet operation through short pitch „ „ Low-vibration operation „ „ Gentle on the cables as almost no polygon effect „ „ Cost savings through simple cable installation „ „ Easy adaptation of cable carrier length „ „ Ideal for short travel lengths and high travel speeds

P0240 GS


TKZP series Small light weight cable carrier

Inner widths 10 – 15 mm

Pitch 10 mm

Inner height 13 mm

Additional load up to 0.1 kg/m

Acceleration up to 5 m/s 2

Travel speed up to 1.66 m/s

Travel length unsupported up to 1 m

Technical features: „ „ Easy installation of cables and hoses due to folding structure „ „ Flexible design allows for lateral movement „ „ Easy adjustment of the profile length „ „ Compact external dimensions for very restricted installation areas „ „ Low noise operation due to short pitch and extruded profile


TKA series Enclosed cable carrier – IP54 certified*

Inner heights 20.5 – 45 mm

Additional load up to 10 kg/m

Inner widths 15 – 250 mm

Pitch 30.5 – 55.5 mm

Acceleration up to 45 m/s 2

Travel length unsupported up to 6.5 m

Travel length gliding up to 150 m

Travel speed up to 9 m/s

Technical features: „ „ Excellent cable protection „ „ Chip/dirt resistant due to smooth surfaces „ „ Simple and fast installation is possible „ „ Easy-to-open cover with simultaneously high retention force on the chain link during operation „ „ Long self-supporting length „ „ Low noise emissions „ „ Easy assembly




IP54 getestet & bescheinigt tested & attested TÜV NORD

* Refers to type TKA55 with B i 50 – 175. More information about certification can be found at:



Cable and hose carrier systems with variable chain widths ADVANCED APPLICATIONS

Sub-division complex

Additional load up to 65 kg/m

Technical features: „ „ Aluminum stays in 1 mm width sections „ „ Plastic stays in 4, 8, 16 mm width increments (depending on type) „ „ Quick and easy opening to the inside or outside radius „ „ Light, extremely robust or linkless series „ „ The right solution for demanding applications

Inner heights 19 – 108 mm

Travel speed up to 40 m/s Travel length unsupported up to 9.9 m

Inner widths 20 – 1000 mm

Pitch 15 – 165 mm

Acceleration up to 300 m/s 2









Example of inner distribution







Would you like something extra? These types of products offer more variability in chain width and more separation options within the cable carrier compared to our standard program. Thus, a safe and efficient devisioning is possible even for the most complex cable configurations. Hoses and cables with large diameters can also be easily accommodated and guided. Enlosed systems provide optimum protection.

1  C-rail for strain relief elements 2 Minimized hinge wear owing to the “life extending 2 disc principle” 3 Replaceable glide shoes 4  Extremely robust due to strong side plate construction 5  Large choice of ways of separating the cables 6  Aluminum stays available in 1 mm width sections 7  Plastic cover available in 8 or 16 mm width sections 8  Integratable strain relief (strain relief comb without illustration)

9  Can be opened quickly on the inside or the outside for cable installation 10  Plastic stays available in 4, 8 or 16 mm width sections 11  Aluminum cover available in 1 mm width sections 12  Aluminum stays with ball-joint mechanism 13 Universal end connectors (UMB)

Aluminum stays and covers available in custom widths to the exact millimeter.



K series Cost-effective, robust cable carrier – also suitable for heavy loads

Inner heights 38 – 58 mm

Additional load up to 30 kg/m

Inner widths 68 – 561 mm

Pitch 65 – 90 mm

Acceleration up to 40 m/s 2

Travel length unsupported up to 7.7 m

Travel speed up to 8 m/s

Travel length gliding up to 260 m

Technical features: „ „ Enclosed stroke system that is protected from the effects of dirt and contamination „ „ Durable sidebands with robust link plate design „ „ Can be opened on the inside and outside redius „ „ Integrated glide base

B i increments 1 mm

MASTER / MASTER-Tubes series Quiet and weight-optimized cable carrier

Inner heights 33 – 80 mm

Additional load up to 25 kg/m

Inner widths 50 – 800 mm

Pitch 56 – 111 mm

Acceleration up to 50 m/s 2

Travel length unsupported up to 7.9 m

Travel length gliding up to 80 m

Travel speed up to 10 m/s

Technical features: „ „ For cables with large cable diameter „ „ Good ratio between inner and outer width dimensions „ „ Low chain weight „ „ Aluminium cover system available


B i increments 1 mm


M / M-Tubes series Variable cable carrier with extensive accessories and crossbar variants

Inner heights 19 – 87 mm

Additional load up to 65 kg/m

Inner widths 24 – 800 mm

Pitch 32 – 130 mm

Acceleration up to 50 m/s 2

Travel length unsupported up to 9.9 m

Travel speed up to 10 m/s

Travel length gliding up to 300 m

Technical features: „ „ Dirt-resistant encapsulated stroke system „ „ Durable sidebands with robust link plate design „ „ Easy assembly of sidebands „ „ Long service life due to minimized hinge wear owing to the “life extending 2 disc principle” „ „ Can be opened on the inside and the outside radius for installation of cables and hoses

B i increments 1 mm

TKP91 / TKC91 series Durable and easy to assemble cable carrier

Inner heights 56 – 80 mm

Additional load up to 60 kg/m

Inner widths 150 – 500 mm

Pitch 91 mm

Acceleration up to 20 m/s 2

Travel length gliding up to 100 m

Travel length unsupported up to 8.9 m

Travel speed up to 5 m/s

Technical features: „ „ Many separation options for the cables „ „ Replacable glide shoe for extended service life in gliding applications „ „ Extremely robust due to stable plate construc- tion „ „ Can be opened on inside and outside radius „ „ Enclosed lids available

B i increments 1 mm



XL / XL-Tube series Cable carrier with large inside height

Inner heights 105 – 108 mm

Inner widths 200 – 1000 mm

Pitch 165 mm

Additional load up to 65 kg/m

Acceleration up to 25 m/s 2

Travel length unsupported up to 9.5 m

Travel speed up to 4 m/s

Travel length gliding up to 350 m

Technical features: „ „ For cables with large diameter „ „ For unsupported and gliding applications „ „ Replacable glide shoe for extended service life in gliding application „ „ Aluminium enclosed lids available „ „ Low intrinsic weight

B i increments 1 mm

QUANTUM series Light, quiet, low-vibration for high speeds and accelerations

Inner widths 28 – 600 mm

Pitch 15 – 30 mm

Inner heights 28 – 72 mm

Additional load up to 12 kg/m

Acceleration up to 300 m/s 2

Travel length gliding up to 200 m

Travel speed up to 40 m/s

Travel length unsupported up to 6.5 m

Technical features: „ „ Very long service life: 25 million cycles = unsurpassed service life „ „ Extremely quiet, 31 db (A)* „ „ Low level of particulate generation during operation „ „ Suitable for clean rooms „ „ Practically no polygon effect „ „ Ideal for highly dynamic applications


*depending on design

B i increments 1 mm


TKR series Extremely quiet and low-vibration for highly dynamic applications

Inner heights 22 – 52 mm

Additional load up to 10 kg/m

Inner widths 20 – 200 mm

Pitch 15 – 28 mm

Acceleration up to 200 m/s 2

Travel length unsupported up to 5 m

Travel speed up to 5 m/s

Technical features: „ „ Long service life „ „ Ideal for highly dynamic applications „ „ High lateral stability „ „ Suitable for clean rooms (class 1) „ „ Extremely quiet and low-vibration „ „ Practically no polygon effect



CoverTrax series For harsh environmental conditions

Inner height 50 mm

Inner widths 50 – 250 mm

Additional load up to 12 kg/m

Pitch 55.5 mm

CONDUFLEX series Enclosed cable carrier

See more:

Inner heights 25 – 72 mm

Inner widths 45 – 162 mm

Pitch 20 – 30 mm

Additional load bis 20 kg/m



Steel cable carrier systems EXTREME APPLICATIONS

Sub-division complex

Additional load up to 800 kg/m

Technical features: „ „ Robust design for heavy mechanical loads „ „ High additional loads and long self- supporting lengths possible „ „ Heat-resistant

Inner heights 24 – 578 mm

Travel speed up to 10 m/s Travel length unsupported up to 25 m

Chain widths 26 – 1800 mm

Pitch 105 – 550 mm

Acceleration up to 20 m/s 2







Example of inner distribution




Special applications require the use of special cable carrier systems. Our cable carriers of steel and stainless steel are first choice when it comes to extreme heat or other extremely harsh conditions such as those prevailing in the mining, smelting or oil & gas industry. Customized separation options offer perfect protection for cables and hoses even under high mechanical loads.

1 Joint design with hardened bolt for a long service life 2  Various cable separation options 3  Dividers made of plastic or steel 4  Aluminum lids available in 1 mm width sections 5  Variety of crossbar options available to allow for complete customization 6  Very robust side bands, available galvanized or in stainless steel 7 All steel cable carrier are lubrication-free 8 End connectors in various connection variants

Aluminum stays and covers available in custom widths to the exact millimeter.



LS / LSX series Cost-effective steel chain in lightweight design

Inner heights 48 – 58 mm

Chain widths 100 – 600 mm

Pitch 105 mm

Additional load up to 30 kg/m

Acceleration up to 10 m/s 2

Travel length unsupported up to 10 m

Travel speed up to 5 m/s

Technical features:

„ „ One-piece link plate constructions „ „ Sidebands made from hardened steel or stainless steel

„ „ Good corrison resistance „ „ Duo band solution available

B i increments 1 mm

S / SX series & S / SX-Tubes Extremely robust and strong steel cable carrier

Inner heights 26 – 578 mm

Chain widths 70 – 1800 mm

Pitch 65 – 550 mm

Additional load up to 800 kg/m

Acceleration up to 5 m/s 2

Travel length unsupported up to 25 m

Travel speed up to 2.5 m/s

Technical features:

„ „ Extremely robust, sturdy steel cable carriers for heavy mechanical loads and rough environmental conditions

„ „ Side bands made of steel or stainless steel „ „ Very sturdy link plates, each consisting of two individual plate „ „ Very extensive self-supporting lengths „ „ Explosion protection class EX II 2 GD according to ATEX RL

B i increments 1 mm


S / SX 9000 series Custom cable track designs

TSUBAKI KABELSCHLEPP develops and manufactures steel cable carrier for a variety of applications from steelworks to offshore drilling platforms. We meet the required quality and industry standards and produce

special size cable carrier in different materials to customer specification. Chain widths from 350 mm

Technical features: „ „ Customized solutions

„ „ Maintenance-free systems „ „ Designed to the application „ „ Resistant against temperature, corrosion, chemicals and UV light „ „ Additional load of more than 1000 kg/m „ „ Exlosion protection class EX II 2 GD according to ATEX RL

B i increments 1 mm

MOBIFLEX series Enclosed cable carrier with flexible metal helical tube

Inner heights 24 – 167 mm

Inner widths 26 – 170 mm

Additional load up to 8 kg/m

Travel length unsupported up to 5 m

Acceleration up to 20 m/s 2

Travel speed up to 10 m/s

Technical features:

„ „ Tightly sealed design „ „ Ideal for operating in hot chip environment „ „ Optimum protection for cables and hoses



Cable and hose carrier systems for 3D movements 3D APPLICATIONS

Sizes Ø 40 – 100 mm

Technical features: „ „ Perfect for maxium free moving space in 3D applications „ „ Swiveling and rotational movements on robots in three dimensions, e.g. - Areas of robot application from the floor to the robot head „ „ With channel system, it is a universal solution for rotary applications

„ „ Extension of life for cables in 3D applications

Sub-division several

- through defined minimum bend radius - through separating and guiding the cables „ „ Particularly suitable for high pull forces and fast acceleration










Multidimensional rotating and swiveling movements require a cable carrier that reliably follows all movements while securely leading and protecting all cables and hoses. ROBOTRAX combines these special properties and therefore is especially suitable for applications in robotics and automation. The open design of this product allows quick cable installation and easy inspection of cables and hoses for damage once installed. Additional accessories are available for further optimizing the cable carrier to customer requirement.

1 Integrated steel wire for transmission of extremly high pull forces and accelerations 2 Protective cover or heat shield made of different materials available for different environmental conditions 3  Quick opening bracket reduces installation time 4 Simple inspection of cables in the field of vision

5 Special nylon for long service life 6 Bumper guard protects the cable carrier and inserted cables 7 Defined minimum bend radius 8 Active pull back mechanism PBU (PULL-BACK UNIT)



ROBOTRAX Chain links

The basic structure of ROBOTRAX consists of nylon links. These have ball and socket style snap-together connectors on both sides. The individual links can thus be snapped together to form a cable carrier. Internal bend radius stoppers ensure that the minimum bend radius is maintained in all directions. Radial link rotation

Inner heights 10 – 31 mm

Inner widths 27 – 64 mm

Sizes Ø 40 – 100 mm

Pitch 21.5 – 40 mm

movement is also possible. Technical features:

„ „ For three-dimensional movements „ „ Special nylon for long service life „ „ Fast cable installation by simple pressing in of the cables – no threading through is necessary „ „ The cables are cleanly isolated in three separate chambers

LineFix Saddle-type clamps for strain relief

Suitable for sizes Ø 40 – 100 mm

Safety grip and gentle cable fixing. Multilayer cable fixing with 2- and 3-fold clamps is possible. Multiple systems can be mounted one behind the other.

Technical features: „ „ Continuous strain relief „ „ Extra stable design „ „ Solid fit due to innovative foot construction


BUMPER GUARD Impact protection The Bumper Guard prevents the cable carrier during fast movements and in large work spaces from hard impacts, excessive abrasion and premature wear. Downtime is minimized, since in case of damage only the Bumper Guard needs to be replaced and not the whole cable carrier.

Suitable for sizes Ø 40 – 100 mm

Technical features: „ „ Extended life time of the cable carrier „ „ Protection of robot and cable carrier (impact protection) „ „ Limited bend radius for cable protection „ „ Reduced down time due to easy exchange


Provides quick and easy set of the steel wire to the required tension that can be readjusted at any time.

Suitable for sizes Ø 40 – 100 mm

Technical features:

„ „ Movement of the cable carrier can be adjusted through tension of the steel wire „ „ Adjustable at any time



Active pull back mechanism Pull-Back-Unit (PBU)

The active pull-back mechanismus PULL-BACK UNIT additionally ensures extended service life and reduced downtime. This device keeps the carrier at tension and prevents ROBOTRAX from snagging on the robot, thus protecting the installed cables. Technical features: „ „ Innovative pull-back mechanism without spring „ „ Compact design „ „ Robust metal construction „ „ Housing can be opend for easy access

Suitable for sizes Ø 40 – 100 mm

Quick-opening bracket

ROBOTRAX ® is fixed and guided with quick-opening brackets that are fixed with two srews. The quick- opening brackets grab the whole single chain link and thus the fixation points can be selected individually.

Suitable for sizes Ø 40 – 100 mm

Technical features: „ „ Easy to fix on the robot „ „ Tool-less installation of the carrier by insertion „ „ Swivelling version available „ „ Also available as guide support


Flexible Brackets

If the bracket is mounted on a helical spring, it can move elastically in all directions and support the cable carrier while moving.

Suitable for sizes Ø 40 – 100 mm

Technical features: „ „ Can be displaced in 3 dimensions „ „ Guiding of excess lengths by tracking „ „ Simple to attach to robot through foot construction





„ „ Highest quality standards „ „ Cost-efficient, flexible, very durable „ „ Correspond with all current norms and regulations „ „ 2D applications (self-supported and gliding) „ „ 3D applications (cable carrier for robots, rotating) „ „ For any condition from cleanroom applications to adverse environment The TRAXLINE ® program is continously extended and optimized to meet the increasing requirement of cable carrier applications. A unique combination of cable features is available in a cleary structured range of types. ® Product Portfolio

Service & Support: „ „ Competent, goal-oriented system consultation and worldwide on-site service „ „ Fast delivery with over 500 types of cables in-stock „ „ No miminum order amount „ „ No cutting costs

® Center

Configure the cables for your cable carrier and find all technical data of our TRAXLINE ® cables in the TRAXLINE ® Info Center.


Data cable

„ „ Data exchange between moving consumer and stationary end (control cabinet) „ „ Different quality classes available

„ „ Jacket material: PUR, TPE shield respectively double shield optional „ „  Used in carriers with small bend radius


„ „ Jacket material: PUR, TPE shield respectively double shield optional „ „ Used in carriers with small bend radius

„ „ Data exchange between moving consumer and stationary end (control cabinet) „ „ Different quality classes available

Control cable CONTROL 200, 400, 700, 1000

„ „ Connection for controling between moving consumer and control cabinet „ „ Four different quality classes available

„ „ Jacket material: PVC, PUR, TPE; shield optional „ „ 2 to 49 wires

Motor cable POWER 400, 700, 1000, 4 to 7 wires

„ „ Connection for power supply between moving consumer and control cabinet „ „  In three different quality classes available

„ „ Jacket material: PVC, PUR, TPE; shield optional „ „ Cross section from 1,5 mm² to 150 mm²

Motor cable POWER ONE 700, 1000, 1 wire

„ „ For applications in harsh conditions „ „ Secure transmission of large amounts of energy

„ „ For long travel applications „ „ Cross section from 0,25 mm² to 700 mm²

Medium voltage cable Heavy Duty, 1 wire „ „ For applications in harsh conditions „ „ Secure transmission of large amounts of energy

„ „ For long travel applications „ „ Cross section from 0,25 mm² to 700 mm²



Competence in systems TOTALTRAX ® COMPLETE SYSTEMS

TOTALTRAX ® : These are customized complete systems for individual demands and almost all fields of application. Benefit from our experience of thousands of implemented systems, because we do not only provide components but also ready-to-use plug & play solutions. Our product range covers from cable carriers with cables already inserted – so called harnessed cable carrier - up to complex systems. These are jointly developed between our specialists and your experts in a close development cooperation and sys- tem partnership. All components used are perfectly mat- ched, thus ensuring high quality and durability. Additional services such as competent advice from our experts during concept phase and professional project support as well as an aftersales service complete the comprehensive range of TOTALTRAX ® Services.

Further advantages you benefit from:

„ „ Complete delivery from a single source „ „  Only one contact for the entire system incl. all components „ „  Reduction of purchasing costs by focusing on just one supplier „ „  Reduces effort for incoming goods inspection „ „  Quick installation through ready-to-install modules „ „  Just-in-Time delivery directly into your production „ „  Reduced storage costs „ „  Delivery on special installation and transport racks on request „ „ System warranty



selecting and configurating the right product for your applica- tion. Here, all relevant technical and commercial information about all individual products from the ranges of cable carriers, cables and accessories is centrally pooled and clearly dis- played. By entering different parameters it facilitates to select the appropriate products. For even more convenience the data portals OnlineEngineer and CADENAS is interlinked. This allows you to easily download the respective CAD model without leaving the OnlineEngineer once you have completed your product configuration. Vice versa, data from OnlineEngineer can be retrieved while working in CADENAS.

Shorten your design time, accelerate your design processes, do concept development with original data from the manufac- turer. We continuously invest in the online supply of product- related information to make your work easier. Thereby you can access the latest product and CAD data during the design phase. Currently, we provide comprehensive, technical infor- mation in three different, partly interlinked online tools.

Our web-based platform OnlineEngineer that is available throughout the world supports you with multiple functions for

Electrical Engineering with ePLAN EPLAN Data Portal is an integrated, web-based data platform delivering the most recent device data from market-leading component manufac- turers for direct use in the EPLAN planning soft- ware. For those using the global project planning software EPLAN Electric P8, we offer technical and commercial information of our TRAXLINE ® cables in the EPLAN Data Portal for download.

CADENAS 3D CAD CATALOGUE CADENAS is an international platform for providing 3D models in various CAD formats. Numerous renowned companies from machinery and plant engineering as well as from other industries are represented. Currently, we provide CAD models for our entire product portfolio in all common CAD formats. Moreover, the database contains the corresponding models for guide channels and support trays. We continuously update the scope offered.




GUIDEWAY PROTECTION SYSTEMS Telescopic covers Link apron covers Way wipers Conical spring covers Bellows Protective devices


Cable carriers made of steel and plastic QUANTUM cable and hose carrier system PROTUM cable and hose carrier system ROBOTRAX cable and hose carrier system TRAXLINE ® – CABLES FOR MOTION Continuous bending hi-flex cables for cable carriers TOTALTRAX ® complete turn-key carrier systems Pre-assembled cables

CONVEYOR SYSTEMS Hinged belt conveyors Scraper conveyors Belt conveyors

Corporate Headquarters U.S. Tsubaki Power Transmission, LLC 301 E. Marquardt Drive

Roller Chain Division 821 Main Street Holyoke, MA 01040 Tel: (800) 323-7790

Conveyor & Construction Chain Division 1010 Edgewater Drive Sandusky, OH 44870 Tel: (800) 537-6140 Fax: (419) 626-5194

Sprocket Manufacturing Mississauga, Ontario Tel: (800) 323-7790

Cable & Hose Carrier Division 7100 W. Marcia Road Milwaukee, WI 53223 Tel: (800) 443-4216 Fax: (414) 354-1900

Wheeling, IL 60090 Tel: (800) 323-7790 Fax: (947) 459-9515

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