Dynamic Cable Carriers General Catalog

BASIC-LINE PLUS  | Series | Overview

BASIC-LINE PLUS Solid plastic cable carriers with fixed chain widths

The product types from BASIC-LINE PLUS feature pre-defined cable carrier widths and extremely fast cable installation. All combine robustness and reliability with an attractive price-performance ratio.

■ ■ Cost-effective solutions for standard applications ■ ■ Cables are simply pressed/pulled into the cable carrier ■ ■ Very fast cable installation

■ ■ Numerous types and designs available immediately from our warehouse ■ ■ Ideal for short travel lengths and high travel speeds

Not all technical data and parameters are reached in each individual case, but are depending on the respective type of application and product configuration. Legally binding insofar is only the individual information provided for the specifically requested particular case. Subject to change.


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