02 Crossbar options Cable carrier configuration | Crossbar options
The crossbar options available for each cable carrier series can be found in the over- view of the associated catalog chapter or in the “Cable carriers” chapter from page 14. 2.1 Overview
Aluminum crossbar RS | Hybrid cable carriers Narrow link crossbar “The standard” ■ ■ Extremely quick to open and close ■ ■ Aluminum profile bars for light to medium loads. Assembly without screws. ■ ■ Available customized in 1 mm grid . ■ ■ Inside/outside: release by turning 90°.
Aluminum crossbar RS 1 | Hybrid cable carriers Narrow link crossbar “The standard” ■ ■ Extremely quick to open and close ■ ■ Aluminum profile bars for light to medium loads. Assembly with screws.
■ ■ Available customized in 1 mm grid . ■ ■ Outside: release by turning 90°. ■ ■ Inside: threaded joint easy to release.
Aluminum crossbar RS 2 | Hybrid cable carriers Link crossbar narrow, bolted ■ ■ Quick to open and close. ■ ■ Aluminum profile bars for light to medium loads. Assembly with screws. ■ ■ Available customized in 1 mm grid . ■ ■ Inside/outside: threaded joint easy to release.
Aluminum crossbar RV | Hybrid cable carriers Link crossbar, reinforced ■ ■ Aluminum profile bars with plastic adapter for medium to high loads and large cable carrier widths. Assembly without screws. ■ ■ Available customized in 1 mm grid . ■ ■ Outside/inside: release by turning 90°.
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