Technical Handbook Guide

A member of the TSUBAKI GROUP

Technical Handbook design considerations, tips and helpful information

Cables designed for use in continuous motion applications using cable carrier must be manufactured on a unique cabling machine that will minimize any back-twist on the cable core.

Continuous Flex – In such cases the cable is rolling back and forth in a linear motion resulting in the cable (and conductors within) to flex in an equivalent way. This is typically the case for all cables that are approved for use within cable carrier systems where required bend radii are typically 10x the cable O.D. or less.

Torsional Flex – In such cases, the cable is being twisted clockwise and counterclockwise off its center-line axis with angles varying from 90 to 360 degrees “rotation”. This type of flexing typically occurs on multi-axis robotic machinery that requires constant twisting and flexing over a sustained period of time.

Bending Flex – In such cases, the cable is flexing back and forth off a stationary point. Industry commonly refers to this as a tick-tock motion. A vast majority of the stress on the cable in such a case are the two focal points where the bend and load are being applied.







Extension Cords

Power Cords

Gantry Robots


Welding Cable

Pick & Place Machinery


Stage Lighting

Automated Machinery


Sound Cable

Machine Tools

* Cables that are considered to be continuous hi-flex are typically the best choice for use in dynamic cable carrier systems.

Understanding Cabling Techniques

Unilay or Bunch – In such cables conductors (copper groups or bunches of wire strands) of any number are twisted together with the same lay direction and cable lay length. Bunch construction will not have a well defined geometric configuration and may have a variable cross-section. A Unilay construction will have a well defined geometric configuration and a defined cross-section. This type of cabling technique is usually used in static applications and designs.

Concentric Contra-Helical – In such cables conductors are surrounded by well defined layers of helically laid conductors. Each layer has a reversed lay direction and an increasing lay length in each succeeding layer. This type of cabling technique is usually used on continuous flex cable applications and designs (that should be used in cable carriers).

Concentric Unilay – In such cases conductors are surrounded by one or more layers of helically laid conductors with the same direction or lay and increasing lay length in each succeeding layer. This type of cabling technique is usually used in torsional flex applications and designs.

Specifications are subject to change without notice. KSA-0810-GC

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