B EF' = Total width of cable carrier with glide buttons (K series) or glide shoes (QUANTUM) Bi = Usable inner carrier system cavity width Bk = Outer width of the cable carrier BSt = Stay width when using LG bar frame stay c = Distance between bored holes on LG bar frame stay d = Cable outer diameter D = Bored hole diameter when using LG bar frame stay d R = Roller tube diameter when using RMR frame stay FE = The non-moving, fixed end of a carrier system FP = The fixed point of a carrier system H = Mounting height hG = Outer link height h G' = Outer link height when using glide shoes h i = The inner carrier system cavity height KR = The bend radius of a carrier system L B = The loop length (directly related to the KR) L f = Unsupported cable carrier length L k = The required/calculated carrier system length LS = Total machine travel L V = Fixed point offset from the center point of travel ME = The moving end of a carrier system n Z = Number of comb tines on comb style strain relief qz = Additional load RKR = Reverse bend radius SF = Safety factor S H = Horizontal separator/shelf thickness ST = Vertical divider thickness t = Link pitch tB = Elasticity factor Commonly Used Abbreviations & Symbols
= usable link cavity Bi = inner cavity width Bk = outer link width h i = inner cavity height hG = outer link height
B i
h i hG
Bk Carrier Cavity
V isual G lossary
Horizontal Cavity Shelf / Separator
Glide Shoe (removable)
Frame Stay Bar
Vertical Cavity Divider
Side Band
Symbology You will find these symbols used in this Technical Handbook to bring attention to important Rules of Thumb and Key Formulas.
A Rule of Thumb is a principle which applies in most cases but is not intended to be strictly accurate or reliable for every situation.
= Rule of Thumb
A Key Formula is a standard formula used by KabelSchlepp to calculate critical dimensions and figures that are needed when specifying a cable and hose carrier system for an application.
= Key Formula
Commonly Used Conversions Multiply By To Obtain Millimeters 0.03937 Inches Inches 25.4 Millimeters Kilograms 2.205 Pounds Pounds 0.4536 Kilograms Feet/Second 0.305 Meters/Second Meters/Second 3.28 Feet/Second Kilograms/Meter 0.6720 Pounds/Foot Pounds/Foot 1.488 Kilograms/Meter
∑ = Total sum Ø = Diameter
Specifications are subject to change without notice. KSA-0810-GC
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