Technical Handbook Guide

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Technical Handbook design considerations, tips and helpful information

Total Machine Travel ( Ls )

Step 4

Summarize And Double Check




At this step, you should now have selected and noted the: 1. Carrier product group (system type, style and link size) 2. Carrier cavity size (cavity inner height h i and width B i ) 3.  Carrier bend radius option (the best KR option of those offered for your application) Once you have double checked your selections, you can then move on to calculate the correct carrier system length L k that your application or machine requires.



t = Link Pitch





Step 5 Determine The Carrier System Loop Length (LB)

To determine the total chain length needed for your cable carrier system in Step 6, you will first need to calculate the carrier's Loop Length ( LB ). The Loop Length ( LB ) dimensions can typically be found listed in the Technical Data section of each product section in the KabelSchlepp Catalog. To calculate the recommended Loop Length ( LB ) yourself, use the formulas listed in the table to the right.

Calculating Carrier System Loop Length (LB)

Plastic cable carriers: L b = (3.14 x KR) + (2 x t ) Steel cable carriers: L b = (3.14 x KR) + (4 x t ) QUANTUM cable carriers: L b = (3.14 x KR) + (12 x t ) PROFILE, CONDUFLEX cable carriers: L b = (3.14 x KR) + (9 x t )

Step 6

CL Calculate The Total Carrier System Length (Lk) Moving End ( ME )

Fixed Point ( FP ) To determine the most economical length of a KabelSchlepp carrier system, in all horizontal or vertical carrier system operating modes, use one of the first 3 formulas listed below to solve for the required carrier length ( L k ) and number 4 to solve for the number of links ( t ) needed.

Fixed End ( FE ) ME = Moving End of carrier system

FE = Fixed End of carrier system

FP = Fixed Point of carrier system

(Ls / 2) + LB = Lk

1.)  FIXED POINT AT CENTER OF TRAVEL For a carrier system that has its fixed point located centrally relative to the total machine travel use:

Fixed Point at Center of Travel


Moving End ( ME ) Moving End ( ME )


Fixed Point ( FP )

L S 2

The total travel ( L S ) divided by 2 + the carrier loop length ( L B as defined in catalog) = The Required Carrier Length ( L k )

Fixed Point ( FP )

+ L B = L k

(Ls / 2) + LB = Lk (Ls / 2) + OFFSET + LB = Lk

Fixed End ( FE )

Fixed End ( FE )

2.)  FIXED POINT AT END OF TRAVEL For a carrier system that has its Fixed End located at either the extended or retracted [far] end of total machine travel use:

CL Fixed Point at End of Travel

Moving End ( ME )


Moving End ( ME )


Moving End ( ME )

Fixed Point ( FP )

Fixed Point ( FP )

The total travel ( L S ) + the carrier loop length ( L B as defined in catalog) = The Required Carrier Length ( L k )

Fixed End ( FE ) Fixed Point ( FP )

L S + L B = L k

(Ls / 2) + OFFSET + LB = Lk

Fixed End ( FE )

Ls + LB = Lk

(Ls / 2) + LB = Lk

Fixed End ( FE )

3.)  FIXED END OFF CENTER OF TRAVEL For a carrier system that has its fixed point located somewhere not central to, or at either end of the total machine travel use:


Off Center Fixed Point

Moving End ( ME )


Moving End ( ME )

Fixed Point ( FP )

Fixed Point ( FP )

The total travel () + the offset from the center of the machine travel () + the carrier loop length () = The Required Carrier Length ()

L S 2

Fixed End ( FE )

Ls + LB = Lk

+ OFF cmt + L B = L k

Fixed End ( FE )

(Ls / 2) + OFFSET + LB = Lk

Specifications are subject to change without notice. KSA-0810-GC

Need help? 1-800-443-4216 or CL


Moving End ( ME )

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