T-Series Installation & Maintenance Guide

,QVWDOODWLRQDQG0DLQWHQDQFH,QVWUXFWLRQV $75$)/(; ‹ 0LOOHQQLXP ‹ Installation & Maintenance Instructions ATRA-FLEX® T-FLEX® (T-Series)

7RROV5HTXLUHG6WDQGDUGPHFKDQLFVWRROVVWUDLJKWHGJHDQGIHHOHU JDXJHGLDOLQGLFDWRURUODVHUDOLJQPHQWWRRO ZKLFKHYHULVSUHIHUUHG  For technical support, please contact ATR Sales at 800-443-6613 Tools Required: Standard mechanics tools, straight edge and feeler gauge, dial indicator or laser alignment tool (whichever is preferred).


- Santa Ana, CA 92707 www.ustsubaki.com 1


ALIGNMENT TOLERANCES ATRA-FLEX FLEXIBLE COUPLINGS T-Flex o Installation 1. Preparation for Mounting Hubs : - Shaft and bore surfaces must be clean of burrs, nicks and dirt. - Shaft and bore dimensions should be checked for required fit. 2. Mounting the Ring Hub and Flex Hub: SIZE> GAP E T-0 T-1 T-2 T-3 T-4 T-5 .100 .100 .100 .100 .180 .180 . .100 .125 .125 .175 .175 .225 . .040 .060 .060 .060 .080 .080 . .020 .030 .030 .040 .040 .050 . PARALLEL O .450 .570 .650 .895 1.075 1.207 1 O +/- .020 .030 .030 .030 .040 .040 . ANGULAR A 2 2 2 2 1 1 D1 2.950 3.960 4.800 6.290 7.800 9.765 11 D3 2.050 2.820 3.500 4.500 5.650 7.350 8 TH-UNF 6-3210-321/4 5/16 1/2 1/2 TT IN-LBS 31 85 210 415 1900 1900 3 - Mount the Ring Hub and Flex Hub as illustrated, flush to the shaft ends if possible. If overhang is required, maintain a minimum of 1:1 shaft contact for slip fits, or .6:1 for interference fits of .0005 per inch or greater. Tighten setscrews. 3. Coupling Alignment : - Before moving the equipment in place for alignment, RING HUB the Drive Ring must be placed behind the winged section of the Flex Hub (lobe side of Drive Ring facing Ring Hub) to rest on small diameter of Flex Hub or shaft. If laser alignment is not an option, use a dial indicator to check the parallel and angular offsets. Attach the dial indicator to the ring hub with the probe contacting the outside diameter of the Flex Hub. The probe should be perpendicular to shaft centerline for the parallel offset alignment check. Rotate the Ring Hub 360 q while checking the measurements of the probe at each of the 6 wings. The total indicated run out should not exceed (TIR). To check the angular offset, adjust the indicator probe to contact the face of the Flex Hub as near to the outside diameter as possible, and rotate the Ring Hub 360 q , checking the readings at a minimum of three wings 120 q apart. The difference from min gap and max gap measured @ 12:00, 4:00 and 8:00 should QRWH[FHHG $´ 7KH ( JDSFDQWKHQEHVHWZLWKWKH indicator or by using a feeler gauge between the O DRIVE RING E D3 FLEX HUB narrowest points, ensuring (E) minimum. Note: the (E-) axial tolerance should be reserved for thermal growth under operation. - Note: Increase (E) to a max of (E+) as needed if D1 TH T-Flex o Maintenance ALL COUPLINGS SHOULD BE INSPECTED AT ROUTINE S (OR 4500 TO 9000 HOURS) DEPENDING ON THE DUTY REMOVE THE RING AND UNWRAP THE INSERT. INSPEC TEARING OF THE BELT PORTION OF THE INSERT WILL IF THERE ARE ANY CRACKS OR TEARS IN THE LOBES O WEAR WOULD BE SLIGHT INDENTS IN THE LOBES OF T MAKE CONTACT. I )7+(,1'(176(;&(('$3352;,0$ SHOULD BE REPLACED. EXAMPLE: T5 = 5 X .05 = .250 8372ó´'((3,1'(176:28/'%(3(50,77('%()2 COUPLING THE ALIGNMENT AND GAP (E DIMENSION) OF THE TW ADJUSTED IF NEEDED. THE INSERT & RING CAN THEN the Ring Hub. Insert 1 or 2 cap screws with lock washers through the Drive Ring and line up the cap screws with the threaded holes of the Ring Hub. Make sure the Drive Ring is fitted completely over the locater of the Ring Hub. Hand-tighten a few to get it started, then tighten down all 6 cap screws to the recommended torque (TT). 6. Replace Coupling Guard: Per OSHA, all rotation on equipment must be enclosed with a guard. :$51,1* $&&,'(176,192/9,1*527$7,1*(48,30(170$<5(68/7,1/2662) 7+(385&+$6(52)7+,6(48,30(170867$6685(7+$77+((48,30 23(5$7('$1'0$,17$,1('7+,6(48,30(170867127%(23(5$7( 63(&,),&$7,216385&+$6(50867)2//2:$//)('(5$/67$7($1' 23(5$7,21$1'0$,17(1$1&(2)7+((48,30(17:,7+287/,0,7$7 6(7)257+,1&)5,7,67+(385&+$6(565(63216,%,/,7 0$,17(1$1&($1'(03/2<((75$,1,1*352*5$05(*$5',1*7+(6 (48,30(17 anticipated thermal growth exceeds axial tolerance (E-). - Spacer Type Coupling- ( ( ) will be measured from the face of the spacer body. The Actual Spacer Body length is shortened from DBSE given to allow gap (E) by factory. - Floating Shaft Coupling- (TIR) = DBSE x ( $ ) Note: 1 q #´  4. Installing the Insert: Note: The insert may be 1, 2, 0r 3 piece depending on size and type. Once the alignment is complete, the insert can either be wrapped into, or placed inside the pockets of the Flex Hub. 5. Installing the Drive Ring: - Slide the Drive Ring over the Flex Hub, placing the ring lobes over the insert lobes until you make contact with E + TIR E -

ATRA-FLEX FLEXIBLE COUPLINGS T-Flex o Installation 1. Preparation for Mounting Hubs : - Shaft and bore surfaces must be clean of burrs, nicks and dirt. - Shaft and bore dimensions should be checked for required fit. 2. Mounting the Ring Hub and Flex Hub: - Mount the Ring Hub and Flex Hub as illustrated, flush to the shaft ends if possible. If overhang is required, maintain a minimum of 1:1 shaft contact for slip fits, or .6:1 for interference fits of .0005 per inch or greater. Tighten setscrews. 3. Coupling Alignment : - Before moving the equipment in place for alignment, the Drive Ring must be placed behind the winged section of the Flex Hub (lobe side of Drive Ring facing Ring Hub) to rest on small diameter of Flex Hub or shaft. If laser alignment is not an option, use a dial indicator to check the parallel and angular offsets. Attach the dial indicator to the ring hub with the probe contacting the outside diameter of the Flex Hub. The probe should be perpendicular to shaft centerline for the parallel offset alignment check. Rotate the Ring Hub 360 q while checking the measurements of the probe at each of the 6 wings. The total indicated run out should not exceed (TIR). To check the angular offset, adjust the indicator probe to contact the face of the Flex Hub as near to the outside diameter as possible, and rotate the Ring Hub 360 q , checking the readings at a minimum of three wings 120 q apart. The difference from min gap and max gap measured @ 12:00, 4:00 and 8:00 should QRWH[FHHG $´ 7KH ( JDSFDQWKHQEHVHWZLWKWKH indicator or by using a feeler gauge between the narrowest points, ensuring (E) minimum. Note: the (E-) axial tolerance should be reserved for thermal growth under operation. - Note: Increase (E) to a max of (E+) as needed if anticipated thermal growth exceeds axial tolerance (E-). - Spacer Type Coupling- ( ( ) will be measured from the face of the spacer body. The Actual Spacer Body length is shortened from DBSE given to allow gap (E) by factory. - Floating Shaft Coupling- (TIR) = DBSE x ( $ ) Note: 1 q #´  4. Installing the Insert: Note: The insert may be 1, 2, 0r 3 piece depending on size and type. Once the alignment is complete, the insert can either be wrapped into, or placed inside the pockets of the Flex Hub. 5. Installing the Drive Ring: - Slide the Drive Ring over the Flex Hub, placing the ring lobes over the insert lobes until you make contact with the Ring Hub. Insert 1 or 2 cap screws with lock washers through the Drive Ring and line up the cap screws with the threaded holes of the Ring Hub. Make sure the Drive Ring is fitted completely over the locater of the Ring Hub. Hand-tighten a few to get it started, then tighten down all 6 cap screws to the recommended torque (TT). 6. Replace Coupling Guard: Per OSHA, all rotation on equipment must be enclosed with a guard.



T-0 T-1 T-2 T-3 T-4 T-5 T-6 T-7 T-8 T-9 T-10 T-11 T-12 .100 .100 .100 .100 .180 .180 .180 .200 .200 .200 .200 .250 .275 .100 .125 .125 .175 .175 .225 .225 .250 .250 .250 .350 .350 .350 .040 .060 .060 .060 .080 .080 .080 .080 .080 .090 .100 .150 .150

E +

T-7 T-8 T-9 T-10 T-11 T-12 .200 .200 .200 .200 .250 .275 .250 .250 .250 .350 .350 .350 .080 .080 .090 .100 .150 .150 .070 .070 .070 .070 .070 .100 1.767 2.095 2.120 2.120 2.687 3.756 .040 .040 .045 .050 .075 .075 1 1 1 1 1 1 0 13.600 14.625 18.020 19.950 23.250 28.500 10.065 10.435 13.780 15.710 17.875 20.988 5/8 3/4 7/8 1 1 1/8 1 1/2 3500 6200 8500 12300 18000 46500 TIR E -

.020 .030 .030 .040 .040 .050 .050 .070 .070 .070 .070 .070 .100 PARALLEL O .450 .570 .650 .895 1.075 1.207 1.692 1.767 2.095 2.120 2.120 2.687 3.756 O +/- .020 .030 .030 .030 .040 .040 .040 .040 .040 .045 .050 .075 .075 ANGULAR A 2 2 2 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 D1 2.950 3.960 4.800 6.290 7.800 9.765 11.900 13.600 14.625 18.020 19.950 23.250 28.500 D3 2.050 2.820 3.500 4.500 5.650 7.350 8.515 10.065 10.435 13.780 15.710 17.875 20.988 TH-UNF 6-3210-321/4 5/16 1/2 1/2 5/8 5/8 3/4 7/8 1 1 1/8 1 1/2 TT IN-LBS 31 85 210 415 1900 1900 3500 3500 6200 8500 12300 18000 46500




GAP E @ 12:00

GAP E @ 12:00








GAP E @ 8:00

GAP E @ 8:00

GAP E @ 4:00

GAP E @ 4:00



T DOWNS OR EVERY SIX TO TWELVE MONTHS THE APPLICATION. HE INSERT FOR WEAR. MINOR CRACKING OR T AFFECT THE FUNCTION OF THE COUPLING. HE INSERT IT SHOULD BE REPLACED. NORMAL INSERTS WHERE THE WINGS OF THE HUBS ;¶67+(6,=(&283/,1*7+(,16(57 REMOVE THE RING AND UNWRAP THE INSERT. INSPECT THE INSERT FOR WEAR. MINOR CRACKING OR TEARING OF THE BELT PORTION OF THE INSERT WILL NOT AFFECT THE FUNCTION OF THE COUPLING. IF THERE ARE ANY CRACKS OR TEARS IN THE LOBES OF THE INSERT IT SHOULD BE REPLACED. NORMAL WEAR WOULD BE SLIGHT INDENTS IN THE LOBES OF THE INSERTS WHERE THE WINGS OF THE HUBS MAKE CONTACT. I )7+(,1'(176(;&(('$3352;,0$7/<;¶67+(6,=(&283/,1*7+(,16(57 SHOULD BE REPLACED. EXAMPLE: T5 = 5 X .05 = .250 8372ó´'((3,1'(176:28/'%(3(50,77('%()25(,16(575(3/$&(0(17,61(('('21$7 -5 COUPLING THE ALIGNMENT AND GAP (E DIMENSION) OF THE TWO COUPLING HALVES SHOULD BE RECHECKED, AND ADJUSTED IF NEEDED. THE INSERT & RING CAN THEN BE INSTALLED. ,16(575(3/$&(0(17,61(('('21$7 -5 OUPLING HALVES SHOULD BE RECHECKED, AND INSTALLED. (6(5,286%2',/<,1*85<253523(57<'$0$*( ,63523(5/<$66(0%/(',167$//('6+,(/'(' &21',7,2167+$7(;&(('0$18)$&785(5¶6 $//$:6$1'5(*8/$7,216&29(5,1*7+(6$)( 7+(86'2/26+$³/2&.2877$*287´352&('85( ,03/(0(17$1')2//2:,762:16$)(7< $1'3523(523(5$7,21$1'0$,17(1$1&(2)7+( :$51,1* $&&,'(176,192/9,1*527$7,1*(48,30(170$<5(68/7,1/2662)/,)(6(5,286%2',/<,1*85<253523(57<'$0$*( 7+(385&+$6(52)7+,6(48,30(170867$6685(7+$77+((48,30(17,63523(5/<$66(0%/(',167$//('6+,(/'(' 23(5$7('$1'0$,17$,1('7+,6(48,30(170867127%(23(5$7('$7&21',7,2167+$7(;&(('0$18)$&785(5¶6 63(&,),&$7,216385&+$6(50867)2//2:$//)('(5$/67$7($1'/2&$//$:6$1'5(*8/$7,216&29(5,1*7+(6$)( 23(5$7,21$1'0$,17(1$1&(2)7+((48,30(17:,7+287/,0,7$7,217+(86'2/26+$³/2&.2877$*287´352&('85( 6(7)257+,1&)5,7,67+(385&+$6(565(63216,%,/,7<72,03/(0(17$1')2//2:,762:16$)(7< 0$,17(1$1&($1'(03/2<((75$,1,1*352*5$05(*$5',1*7+(6$)($1'3523(523(5$7,21$1'0$,17(1$1&(2)7+( (48,30(17 T-Flex o Maintenance ALL COUPLINGS SHOULD BE INSPECTED AT ROUTINE SHUT DOWNS OR EVERY SIX TO TWELVE MONTHS (OR 4500 TO 9000 HOURS) DEPENDING ON THE DUTY OF THE APPLICATION.


For over 100 years, Tsubaki has developed and manufactured the highest-quality products for power transmission and motion control. With a vast network of global production facilities, R&D resources, and sales offices, Tsubaki remains committed to providing innovative solutions to customers’ problems for the next 100 years.

Roller Chain Manufacturing 821 Main Street

Corporate Headquarters U.S. Tsubaki Power Transmission, LLC 301 E. Marquardt Drive

Engineering Class Chain Manufacturing 1010 Edgewater Drive Sandusky, OH 44870 Tel: (419) 626-4560

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Cable & Hose Carrier Manufacturing 7100 W. Marcia Road Milwaukee, WI 53223 Tel: (414) 354-1994

Coupling Manufacturing 110 E. Garry Avenue Santa Ana, CA 92707 Tel: (714) 432-8411

Holyoke, MA 01040 Tel: (847) 459-9500

Wheeling, IL 60090 Tel: (847) 459-9500 www.ustsubaki.com

Note: In accordance with the policy of U.S. Tsubaki Power Transmission, LLC to consistently improve its products, the speci fi cations in this brochure are subject to change without notice. The logos, brand names or product names in this brochure are trademarks or registered trademarks of Tsubakimoto Chain Co. and its subsidiaries in Japan, the U.S. and other countries.

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